World Breastfeeding Awareness Week

World Breastfeeding Awareness Week

World Breastfeeding Week is a global campaign coordinated by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action. It is celebrated every 1-7 August and discusses themes such as healthcare systems, women and work, breastfeeding community support, science, education and human rights.

World Breastfeeding Week is a global campaign coordinated by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action to raise awareness and encourage global developments relating to breastfeeding. It is celebrated every 1-7 August and discusses themes such as healthcare systems, women and work, breastfeeding community support, science, education and human rights.

It is argued that optimal breastfeeding is vital to the lifelong good health and wellbeing of women and children. Both the World Health Organisation and UNICEF recommend that continued breastfeeding for up to 2 years of age or beyond has significant benefits for children’s long-term health.

The rates of breastfeeding mothers have increased around the world thanks to improved protection and support. Global rates of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life have increased by 10% over the past decade. The percentage of infants under six months of age exclusively breastfed has now reached 48%. (UNICEF report: Global Breastfeeding Scorecard 2023).

We have seen an increasing number of breastfeeding mothers seeking legal advice and support. Our clients have often expressed concerns relating to the following:

  • How breastfeeding may impact on negotiations with ex-partners regarding child arrangements.
  • Whether the court will take into account breastfeeding when making decisions about child arrangements.
  • Whether special measures can be put in place for exclusively breastfeeding mothers when it comes to physical attendance at court hearings.

If you are concerned about any of the above and wish to obtain legal advice as to how breastfeeding may impact on your family arrangements please get in touch.

If you are concerned about any of the above and wish to obtain legal advice as to how breastfeeding may impact on your family arrangements please get in touch.

Further information about the campaign and the benefits of breastfeeding can also be found at the following links:

Elle Macdonald is a solicitor in the family department representing parents and extended family members in care proceedings and private law children proceedings. Elle is contactable on 01268 240400 and .