Dissolution of Civil Partnerships

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Dissolution of Civil Partnerships

The Civil Partnership Act 2004 introduced civil partnerships in England and Wales.

Civil Partnership allows same-sex couples to enter into civil partnerships and enjoy a legal relationship with one another comparable to marriages.  Like marriages, civil partnerships can also break down.

A civil partnership can be dissolved only on the basis that it has broken down irretrievably.  To prove this the applicant must rely upon one of four ‘facts’:

  • Unreasonable behaviour
  • Two years’ separation with consent
  • Five years’ separation
  • Desertion

Applications to dissolve a civil partnership must be sent to the court to be issued and served upon the other party before it can progress.  Once appropriately served, the court will consider the application and decide whether the grounds have been met.  If satisfied, the court will make a conditional order.  After a further period of six weeks, the applicant can then make an application for a final order, which will dissolve the civil partnership.

Funding for advice and legal representation

Legal aid may be available to assist you in these areas of law.  Please contact one of our specialist team who will be able to assess your eligibility.

If you are not eligible for legal aid then please contact us to discuss your options and to obtain a quote.  We offer flexible and competitive prices for all our privately paying clients.